Available settings


Default: False

Whether radacct entries are editable from the django admin or not.


Default: False

Whether postauth logs are editable from the django admin or not.


Default: False

Direct editing of group checks items is disabled by default because these can be edited through inline items in the Radius Group admin (Freeradius > Groups).

This is done with the aim of simplifying the admin interface and avoid overwhelming users with too many options.

If for some reason you need to enable direct editing of group checks you can do so by setting this to True.


Default: False

Direct editing of group reply items is disabled by default because these can be edited through inline items in the Radius Group admin (Freeradius > Groups).

This is done with the aim of simplifying the admin interface and avoid overwhelming users with too many options.

If for some reason you need to enable direct editing of group replies you can do so by setting this to True.


Default: False

Direct editing of user group items (radusergroup) is disabled by default because these can be edited through inline items in the User admin (Users and Organizations > Users).

This is done with the aim of simplifying the admin interface and avoid overwhelming users with too many options.

If for some reason you need to enable direct editing of user group items you can do so by setting this to True.


Default: NT-Password

The default encryption format for storing radius check values.


Default: []

A list of disabled encryption formats, by default all formats are enabled in order to keep backward compatibility with legacy systems.



{'regexp_lowercase': '[a-z]+',
 'regexp_uppercase': '[A-Z]+',
 'regexp_number': '[0-9]+',
 'regexp_special': '[\!\%\-_+=\[\]\

Regular expressions regulating the password validation; by default the following character families are required:

  • a lowercase character
  • an uppercase character
  • a number
  • a special character


Default: 8

The default password length of the auto generated passwords while batch addition of users from the csv.


Default: 18

It is the number of months after which the expired users are deleted.


It is the template used to generate the pdf when users are being generated using the batch add users feature using the prefix.

The value should be the absolute path to the template of the pdf.


See API Token.


Default: True

Radius user tokens are used for authorizing users.

When this setting is True radius user tokens are deleted right after a successful authorization is performed. This reduces the possibility of attackers reusing the access tokens and posing as other users if they manage to intercept it somehow.


Default: False

Indicates wether the Authorize API view will return {"control:Auth-Type": "Reject"} or not.

Rejecting an authorization request explicitly will prevent freeradius from attempting to perform authorization with other mechanisms (eg: radius checks, LDAP, etc.).

When set to False, if an authorization request fails, the API will respond with None, which will allow freeradius to keep attempting to authorize the request with other freeradius modules.

Set this to True if you are performing authorization exclusively through the REST API.


Default: True

When this setting is enabled, every accounting instance saved from the API will have its groupname attribute automatically filled in. The value filled in will be the groupname of the RadiusUserGroup of the highest priority among the RadiusUserGroups related to the user with the username as in the accounting instance. In the event there is no user in the database corresponding to the username in the accounting instance, the failure will be logged with info level but the accounting will be saved as usual.


Default: tuple()

This setting can be used to add custom NAS types that can be used from the admin interface when managing NAS instances.

For example, you want a custom NAS type called cisco, you would add the following to your project settings.py:

    ('cisco', 'Cisco Router'),

Sending emails to users

Emails can be sent to users whose usernames or passwords have been autogenerated. The content of these emails can be customized with the settings explained below.


Default: Credentials

It is the subject of the mail to be sent to the users. Eg: Login Credentials.


Default: username: {}, password: {}

The message should be a string in the format Your username is {} and password is {}.

The text could be anything but should have the format string operator {} for .format operations to work.


Default: settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL

It is the sender email which is also to be configured in the SMTP settings. The default sender email is a common setting from the Django core settings under DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL. Currently, DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL is set to to webmaster@localhost.